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Looking for a specific report, sample RFP and other documents that explain the affordable housing process? The Housing Toolbox resource section has all the materials that appear on this site.

Greater Boston Housing Report Card 2019

August 15, 2019

The 2019 Greater Boston Housing Report Card is a collaboration between The Boston Foundation, Northeastern University Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Planning, UMASS Donahue Institute, and MHP Center for Housing Data. The report looks at the state of housing in Greater Boston, specifically around supply and demand, production, segregation, and local control. 

Visit the website for a concise summary of each chapter and to explore interactive maps and tables on community data. 

Local Action Units (LAUs) Guide

November 28, 2018

MHP created this guide in 2018. Local Action Units (LAUs) are affordable housing units created as a result of an intentional action taken by a community, without a comprehensive permit, and which meet the requirements for inclusion on the Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI). The goals of this document are: 1) to describe methods that communities are using to create LAUs; 2) provide technical guidance on how communities can ensure that all LAUs are affordable and will be eligible for inclusion on the SHI, and 3) outline requirements and best practices for ongoing compliance monitoring.