2024 Housing Institute conference materials HERE

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Strategies and best practices for the creation and preservation of affordable housing, with guides, tools and resources for local boards & committees, planners, municipal staff, developers, and volunteers.

Assessing Needs

Identifying needs and crafting action plan are keys to building successful housing strategies.

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Local Support

Guidance on how to build support for affordable housing and specific initiatives.

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Zoning and Land Use

Zoning basics and how to create by-right land uses that will allow affordable housing development.

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Fair Housing

Understanding laws and regulations that promote fairness and equal access to housing.

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Development Process

Understanding development and how to convey public land to a developer for affordable housing.

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Financing and Funding

How developments are funded and how to use local public financing to support development.

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This toolbox was developed by Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association and the Massachusetts Housing Partnership as part of a statewide initiative to support local officials and volunteers in their efforts to provide more affordable housing opportunities in their communities.